On 01st October 2011, RWDOA started a new project with the name of “Training of Trainers”. The project is funded by UNODC organization and will be implemented in 14 districts of Herat province (Karokh, Zenda jan, Obeh, Shindand, Gozara, Adraskan, Pashtoon Zarghoon, Ghoriyan, Koshk-e-Kohna, Koshk-e-Robat Sangi, Enjil, Golran, Chest-e-Sharif, and Farsi) 4 districts of Farah province (Posht Koh, Shib Koh, Anar Darah, and Lasha Jewan) and 3 districts of Ghor province (Dawlatyaar, Dolina and Cheghcharan). The purpose of this project is to enhance the knowledge of 400 farmers about efficient methods and newest agriculture techniques and to establish 10 nurseries with 250,000 saplings in three mentioned provinces, in order to poppy cultivation and business.