Internship Program for Refugee Women
Situation/Background: Afghanistan has suffered decades of war, internal conflicts, political instability and lack or intense shortage of basic life services. At the same time, the country has always been a male dominated society providing the least opportunities for women to grow and participate in the fields of education, economic stability and obtaining their legal rights. Afghanistan has many refugees who are currently living in surrounding countries and facing many challenges during returning to Afghanistan, therefore, they decide to go back to surrounding countries due to different challenges, lack of jobs and low income to feed their families specially the women who like to work in Afghanistan Market. RWDOA has tried to overcome the currnet challenges through conducting professional mentoring and internship program for 40 refugee women with funding from BPRM in Herat-Afghanistan for finding better jobs and providing enough income to support their families inside Afghanistan.
Program Activities: To provide opportunities for refugee families who are back to Afghanistan to find sustainable income to support their families and women empowerment in Herat Province of Afghanistan through increasing employment/income generating and capacity development opportunities. The internship program comprises of two parts, theoretical and practical that each part lasted three months. On theoretical part, four subjects (Management, Accounting, Marketing and Job readiness initiative) have been taught to interns by experienced lecturers. On practical part, all the interns were introduced to different entities in Herat for internship and passing the practical sessions.
Results/Impact: Fortunately 100% of the interns were selected (80% of out 100% are permanently recruited) and are working in different positions and the last 20% are under negotiation with different organizations in Herat-Afghanistan.
Evaluation/Evidence: It is worth to mention that a number of interns are permanently recruited in good positions which are described as bellow:
- Miss Fatema D/O Alikhan is recruited as Customer Services Officer (CSO) in Mottahed Bank.
- Miss Mozhgan D/O Gholam Haidar is recruited as out checking Manager in Esteqlaal Hotel.
- Miss Mursal D/O Nasar Ahmad is recruited Assistant Admin Director in RWDOA
- Miss Satara D/O Mohammad Sharif has established a Sponge Production Center by her personal funding in her house.
- Miss Laila D/O Abdul Hakim has established a Beauty Saloon by her personal funding in her house.